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MAS - 윈도우 오피스인증

작성자 정보

  • 최고관리자 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


All-in-one 아래 mas_aio~~~ .cmd를 mas_aio.cmd 로 이름변경


스크립트 커맨드옵션 아래 참고


mas_aio.cmd /hwid 윈도우 하드웨어인증

mas_aio.cmd /kms-office 오피스KMS인증

mas_aio.cmd /kms-windowsoffice 윈도우및오피스 KMS인증 

Switches List

  • You can use the below switches in MAS AIO, separate files version and in Powershell one-liner to run in unattended mode.

  • If you want to use it in Windows Pre-Activation then check this page for more details.

/HWIDActivate with HWID
/HWID-NoEditionChangeSome editions don’t support HWID, script by default change edition to nearest available to enable HWID activation. This switch can be used to stop this change. You don’t need to add /HWID switch with this.
/OhookInstall Ohook to activate Office
/Ohook-UninstallUninstall Ohook
/KMS38Activate with KMS38
/KMS38-RemoveProtectionRemove KMS38 protection
/KMS38-NoEditionChangeSome editions don’t support KMS38, script by default change edition to nearest available to enable KMS38 activation. This switch can be used to stop this change. You don’t need to add /KMS38 switch with this.
/KMS-WindowsActivate Windows with Online KMS
/KMS-OfficeActivate Office with Online KMS
/KMS-WindowsOfficeActivate Windows & Office with Online KMS
/KMS-RenewalTaskInstall Online KMS renewal task
/KMS-ActAndRenewalTaskInstall Online KMS activation & renewal tasks (Recommended)
/KMS-UninstallUninstall Online KMS
/KMS-KeepvNextDon’t override Office C2R vNext license
/KMS-DebugCreate Debug log in Online KMS Activation
/KMS-LoggerCreate simple log in Online KMS Activation
/SRun operations in silent mode (no output)


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